Webinar EU-CELAC PerMed: International Data Sharing in Personalized Medicine

il 15 Marzo tra le 15.00 e le 17.00 (CET) si terrà il webinar EU-CELAC PerMed dal titolo “International Data Sharing in Personalized Medicine”, che sarà tenuto dalla Dott.ssa Pilar Nicolás, Senior research fellow on the Public Law Department. Faculty of Law. Chair in Law and the Human Genome. University of the Basque Country, Spain.

In agenda, i seguenti temi:

  • Guarantee the data subjects rights in a data sharing policy.
  • GDPR (general data protection regulation) tools for international data sharing. Obstacles for international scientific research.
  • Drafting a data transfer agreement for international data sharing with scientific research purposes.
  • Alternatives models for international data sharing. Legal implications.

Seguirà una sessione di Q&A.

La partecipazione è gratuita, previa registrazione al link: https://forms.gle/LBkGmmqDYRSXBLFx8

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